Sorry everything's been a bit quiet lately, been really busy getting ready for uni... but I so wanna keep this site going throughout uni, so please people continue to support this site!! And I've been running out of ideas on what to update this site with, so please if anyone has ideas tell me, e.g. a new poll.
Ok I had no idea about this rumour until about a week ago, but I do get the news a bit slow here in UK, but apparently Daniel and Lisa had a fight because Lisa thought there was something going on between Daniel and Miriam. Well how many TIMES has this rumour circulated I don't know but I'm sure Daniel, Lisa and Miriam are kinda sick of it now. It sounds SOOO made up and stupid!! Comparing Lisa and Miriam? (See article below) AND the so called convo between Lisa and Daniel! It sounds too funny!! I dunno whether thats how lisa really talks, or who they got to write that convo but its tooo funny!! I dont really believe it, I mean, bloody hell, if for every kissing scene in the film industry, there was a fight, man, there would be mayhem! Here are the articles for you guys to have a glance at, so decide for yourself whether you believe it! :
The apparent conversation between Lisa and Daniel:
The comparison of Miriam and Lisa (why does having a father, brother and sister make you win?)
But yea all those indecent rumours aside..
I'm sure you guys all know now that ALIVE has been cancelled from TVB's music show, JSG Solid Gold. SUCH a pity I say... now I can't see them perform on TV, as we don't have chinese satellite channels here overseas, and I'm sure a lot of ALIVE fans in HK are also breathing fire about it!! But in case some people haven't been tuning into TVB's show 'Scoop', they've done a pretty long coverage of ALIVE (like introducing each of the band members) and look out for the little celebration they did for Andrew Lin's birthday, soo cute!! You also see some of ALIVE's MTV, which is probably the closest you get to a performance.... Click here to see the clip. (Number 6)
Also on the following night's episode, 'Drink Drank Drunk' promo dinner, they said that Miriam didn't turn up and started asking questions... Anway, Daniel was on it and most of the rest of ALIVE (except for Conroy). Click here to watch! (Number 3)
Well some more recent news (I feel bad cos I haven't given hot-off-the-press gossip in ages.. hehe), Daniel appeared at a Unicef promotion today (as can be seen in Latest photos) and he was asked about TVB cancelling ALIVE's performance schedule on JSG Solid Gold. Daniel said straight away that he was not pleased with TVB's attitude, that they 'spoke false words' and they 'aren't professional'. He said that when they knew about performing on TVB, they cancelled a lot of other work they had planned before, and only two days before recording, TVB suddenly cancelled. He said that TVB's reason was because ALIVE had worked with Channel V, but the funny thing is that afterwards, TVB denied ever having invited them on! Lastly he said that ALIVE not being able to perform on TVB has made a lot of ALIVE fans disappointed... TOO right!!
Received some news that ALIVE is going to be performing on JSG music show on TVB next week!! So everyone look out for it!! Can't wait to see ALIVE perform again!! Just wondering what songs they'll perform because at the concert I watched, they sang that English song called 'Time After Time', maybe they'll sing it again!
I've finally uploaded all the NEW Daniel magazine covers and articles I collected while I was in HK!! So please click on photo gallery and click on NEW Dan Mags! WARNING: *hot* Marie Claire photos! Enjoy ;)
A fan found this media file on a forum, and I checked it out, its a clip of Daniel and his mates playing a joke in college and as funny as Daniel and his crew are, I still think its a bit too dangerous to perform and I don't approve of anyone playing that joke on anyone!! *looks stern* Although I am glad that it wasn't done ON Daniel.... Click here to check it out.
Click here for another photo album updated regularly with new Daniel pics!!
The new poll is reflecting ALIVE's new music direction!! So everyone get voting!! :P
The last poll results were:
WINNER -> Naturally spiking up - in 'New Police Story' - 28 votes
2nd -> Slight curtains - in Beijing Rocks and Love Undercover 2 - 9 votes
3rd -> Slightly long and curled - in Love Undercover 1 - 6 votes
4th -> Side parting, crimped - in Divergence - 5 votes
5th -> No styled at all, down - in Beyond our Ken, Princess D - 4 votes
5th -> Shaved - in Purple Storm - 0 votes
Also I uploaded all the ALIVE concert pictures AND all the other photos of random Daniel stuff e.g. adverts and mag covers from HK into the photo gallery (named HK 2005)!! So please do take a look!! All this uploading takes a while so please be patient, I still got some magazine covers and articles to show you all! Coming soon!
Something IMPORTANT I forgot to mention in the last post, is that I ALSO met RAYMOND WONG while in HK!!! For those who don't know who he is, he's Ah Hung in Love Undercover!! (The one who pretended to be a pimp!) And he's really cute in real life, taking photos with us and chatting! Thats also in the photo gallery named HK 2005 so check it out!!
OMG I had such a brilliant time in HK and SOOOOO much to tell and show you all!! So I've had to do some numbering:
1. Firstly, the breaking news is: I WENT TO SEE DANIEL'S FIRST PERFORMANCE LIVE!!! YEP! That concert I was talking about before I went to HK, I actually went!!! And it has THE most phenomenal story behind it!! You don't know how many time I fainted mentally before, during and after the concert!!! I took lots of photos, and screamed so much!! So if you guys want to know exactly what happened, especially HOW I got the tickets, how SUPER lucky I am (I still cannot believe it now), click here for a full report and pictures!! And I promise this is 100%, the full and honest truth!!
2. The Next Breaking News is: Daniel signed my guestbook again!!! WOoo!!! AND he signed it ON the day of the concert!! He didn't know I was going to see him that night!! Heheee! So everyone check it out!! I can't BELIEVE he would sign it again!!!!
3. While I've been back though, I've been working really hard on the photo gallery and a lot of it is finished now!! So I can officially launch it as THE BIGGEST DANIEL WU PHOTO GALLERY EVER! And it's growing because I'll be adding more every so often!
4. Also while I was in HK, I was looking out for Daniel stuff everywhere, and I bought every magazine he was on the cover of!! I also took pictures of his adverts, and everything else concerning him!! (You'll see how obsessive it goes when you see the kind of things I took photos of ;) ) All this can be viewed in the Photo Gallery! Click on Articles and photos in HK.
5. 'Drink Drank Drunk' is officially in HK cinemas on 18th August!! SUCH a pity it wasn't released when I was in HK, I was sooo dying to see that film!! The trailer was on TV all the time and looked super funny!! Oh well, got to wait for the VCD now :(.