31.12.05 - NEW YEARS EVE! AND the two articles I promised!

1. 'Wild Day Out Grand Show 2005'

The 'Wild Day Out Grand Show 2005' was held on Boxing Day, with guests including Jordan Chan and ALIVE from HK and more other artists from Korea and Taiwan. All artists spent Boxing Day with tens of thousands of their fans.
The concert lasted from 3pm to 10pm, but because of some sort of delay, the concert ended at 12am instead.

The four of ALIVE dressed up in Santa outfits, and had bags of presents with them. Daniel even used his personal mobile phone to ring friends and asked the audience to shout 'Merry Xmas' to the phone.
Daniel later said: "We were going to wear T-back to show off our bums but Conroy refused to!" (Hahahah!...)
Terence also denied the recent rumours of him 'getting it on' with a girl in a car and he said: "She isn't my girlfriend either."

2. 'Daniel is as pretty as a flower'

Just a little note before you read the actual article, this article praises Daniel's physical appearance so much and I was so happy to see this kind of article still being written! I had so much fun translating this, as although it was really hard to translate some 'four worded phrases' used to describe the extent of Daniel's beauty, and I do warn that it may not be exactly accurate, but its not bad at all considering my limited vocabulary, I used a lot of appropriate descriptions! The words in apostrophes are the words in Chinese that are harder to translate and may not be right, so please refer to original article to be exact. So here it is..:

"If men can be described using a phrase usually used to describe women's 'perfect symmetrical beauty', Daniel Wu would fit this exactly, without a doubt.

This 'heavenly man', in 'Peony Pavilion', used his flawless washborne body to tempt Wong Jo Yeen with an enticing air. This act solely, is enough to make every single woman on this earth to lose all breath and fall head over heels in love.

Advantageously, Daniel Wu does not waste any of his God-given built and his perfect bodily features. Instead, he doesn't hesitate to subtly show it off at given oppurtunities.

Daniel Wu continously appears more perfect than the time before, performances just get better and better, making the rest of the world ever more pleasantly surprised and appraising of this hour-glass figured beauty.

In 'Purple Storm', Daniel Wu's appearance, facial expressions and body language is enough to make people stop and stare in wonder. He rapidly became an everlasting and memorable imprint in hearts of film fanatics."

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From Alice@InLoveWithDanWu in the UK!! XD :P

Credits to gettyimages.com

30.12.05 - Recent news of Daniel and Lisa S

Some recent news of Daniel and Lisa! Apologies for being a bit late, I was enjoying my Xmas! XD
Anyways, here's the news:

Lisa S came back especially from Mandarin school in Beijing to HK to spend Xmas with Daniel.
On Xmas day, 5pm, the pair were seen in 'Tiffany' jewellery store. Lisa S was attracted to a particular ring which she spent a long while admiring and Daniel sat by one side patiently waiting, offering opinion from time to time. While admiring the jewellery, they were both smiling sweetly. After staying for half an hour, Lisa purchased one of the items she was looking at (not sure which one) and they both left, arm in arm.

Reporters seem to think that wedding bells may ring because they are looking at rings together, hmmm...

Then they bought ice cream, and Daniel was even so sweet as to hold the ice cream while Lisa ate from it!

Click for article and other photos. Credits to ent.sina.com.cn



OMG... what a hectic few days... I haven't even had time to do Xmas shopping, so it's been really hard to squeeze in time to get inspiration and try to learn how to make a better layout! But I managed to finish it all off today .. and its Xmas Eve already.. I swear this is the most oblivious Xmas I've ever experienced, it's come way too fast!! So I hope you all like the layout, I've tried to make it Xmassy but not too cheesy with Daniel in, but I've looked at it way too much now to know the difference between anything. So much has happened and I know I've been busier with less time for this site but as I said before I never want to give up on this site! Apart from sharing news on Daniel, there's been so much more, making friends with all of you, has been one of the greatest presents... and now its nearing the end of the year. Its the first Xmas this site is going through and I'm so happy it's lasted this long with increasing support, and soon, in another two months, it will be the first anniversary of this site!! To celebrate this extravangant occasion, I will be holding a competition in which the prize will be Daniel-related media that money can't buy, sent straight to the person who wins!! Aren't I nice... XD hehe, really looking forward to that. Ideas on what the competition can be about should be posted in the chatterbox.
Well then I best be going to get ready for Christmas Day, can't wait for Santa to come :D, it's 5.30pm here in the UK right now. Here's wishing EVERYONE a MERRY, WARM, HAPPY AND SAFE XMAS, hope you all get what you wished for, that all your loved-ones are right by your side and spend this precious time rejoicing and just having major fun!! I know I will be having a well-earned rest! All the best wishes in the world for the new year!

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14.12.05 - Daniel as guest for Gillette event in Shanghai

Yesterday, Gillette held an abseiling Challenge competition final in Shanghai Times Square. Although it was held outside and the weather was bitter cold, it still attracted a lot of passers-by and it was probably due to the guest, Daniel Wu. His appearance resulted in many screaming girls in the crowd. Apparently, Daniel especially asked for permission for time off from filming 'Night Banquet' to attend this event. Although Daniel could only stay in Shanghai for six hours, then he would have to return to the filming crew and then then travel with them to 'Mong Goo' to continue with the remaining of the film shooting. Daniel stated that to be able to participate in filming 'Night Banquet', he has to thank Gillette for inviting him to be their spokesperson. Daniel let us into the fact that 2 years ago, he had an accident which resulted in a torn ligament (not too sure whether this is accurate). Since then Daniel became afraid of filming action scenes for fear of injury again. Then at the beginning of this year, Daniel was arranged to shoot an action-orientated advert for Gillette and within the advert, Daniel had plenty of action scenes. He originally thought he would just give it a try but in the end he was determined to succeed which helped him to rebuild his confidence in action/martial arts. And then when Fung Xiao Gang director asked him to participate in 'NB', Daniel was able to quickly reply and even said that he would personally do the action scenes in the movie!

'NB' is Daniel's first time shooting an 'ancient China' movie in mainland China, so he treasures this oppurtunity greatly. He states that just so that he can perform this role well, he lost around 5kg of weight! However, he gets on well with the cast and director and Daniel thinks of the director as humourous & the 'joker' of the set, making jokes and lightening the atmosphere.

And when faced with rumours that the two leading actresses: Zhang Ziyi and Zhou Xun are nice to each other's faces but in fact not getting on, Daniel shakes his head and disagrees. He states that the two get on well on set and often get together and play pranks on Daniel, so he reckons the rumours are made up.
After Daniel very humourously said that even if they don't get on, it will only be in the movie, because the three of them are in a 'love triangle' and the two ladies are supposed to be spiteful and jealous of one another.

8.12.05 - Been really busy but here's the translation and scan of the 'cheating' article

Taken from 'East Week' Mag and translated by Alice


"A lot of Hong Kong girls think of Daniel Wu as their ideal boyfriend, sexual fantasy object, most good looking star etc... and even Rain Lee (female star) who was celebrating her 22nd birthday said her birthday wish is to find a boyfriend just like Daniel Wu. Another celebrity (I dunno her name) said that if Daniel Wu was her film partner, she wouldn't mind doing a naked scene! Also recently on a Taiwanese website, Daniel became the winner of 'Most wanted guy for one night stand' and 'Most wanted a naked photo of'. His attractiveness appeals to both sexes, and even his ALIVE bandmate, Terence Yin jokingly said he dreams of Daniel in his sleep.

"But is Daniel really as perfect as everybody thinks he is?Last Friday night, while in Beijing filming for 'Night Banquet', he went to a night club for 4 hours of mad fun. During this time, he was romanticising with a 17 year-old girl, smoking and drinking a fair amount so that when he left the place, he needed two big built guys to help him walk back to his bedroom.

"Daniel cheated behind his girlfriend's back, so maybe it's true that handsome guys are never faithful?

Main Article
"Daniel needs to stay in Beijing for a long period as he has to film 'Night Banquet'. Daniel, who has always liked the night life (Really? :S), went out with four other co-workers to a night club (dunno the place or how to translate the name of the night club literally, sorry!). At 11pm, Daniel wearing black and white striped top and wool hat, entered the night club and was recognised by the many girls and the manager there. People already in there were also cheering and clapping on Daniel's arrival. Manager took them into the cheapest room $2250 VIP room. Daniel was in a very good mood, and ordered half a dozen beer bottles, ready for major fun. The 'mama san' of the night club didn't waste any time and brought over 10 girls for Daniel to choose from. The girls were super excited and before Daniel could choose them, some were already actively sitting next to Daniel and Daniel looked more than welcome to accept. Then Daniel chose a 17 year-old called Ah Fei for himself and his co-workers also chose a girl each. According to the people present at the time, all 5 girls mobile phones were requested to be put down on the table's huge ashtray, to prohibit them from recording.

"With Ah Fei's passionate service, Daniel kept making her drink, drinking himself, singing K and joking aloud. After a couple of beers, Daniel started to go one step further with Ah Fei while Lisa S. did not know a single thing. They had fun for 4 hours til 3am. By now Daniel could not walk straight and needed 2 guys to hold him, and they exited through a secret pathway of the night club's.

"He slept til 1pm the next day and left to start work at 2pm, because he didn't have morning shots to film, no wonder he took the chance to party last night.

"This mag found Ah Fei, the girl with Daniel the other night and she told reporters that Daniel hugged and held her all night while singing K and drank lots of alcohol. Ah Fei said: "Daniel is very handsome, I kissed him and he kissed me back on the lips. He kept talking with me excitedly and the funniest thing was when he kept telling me that he's already 31 years old, I think he drank too much."

"According to sources, apart from the standard charge for rental for the night club room, drinks etc... Daniel also gave some tips, so it seems that Daniel is very willing to spend money to entertain himself.

"Daniel came back for a short visit to HK and reporters asked him whether he went to the night club the previous night. Daniel, who looked extremely tired said calmly: "No I didn't, I didn't go out."
Reporters: "But we photographed you going there?"
Daniel: "No, I didn't."
Reporters: "And you drank a lot of alcohol too?"
Daniel: "I don't drink alcohol anyway."
Then his assistant helped him out and stopped the interview there, and Daniel got in the car and the car sped away in order to get away from the reporters.

Click for the actual articles >> 1 2 3

Please post all comments on what you think about this in the chatterbox!