Night before:
Well, how do I start this phenomenal story off? I think it must go back to before I left for HK, I was on the internet (as per usual), and found out about the concert that Alive will perform for the very first time in. So apart from letting you guys know by writing it on my site, I copied it down on paper, hoping to ask people when I get to HK whether they know about this concert..
So when I did ask around in HK, my cousins, who are actually good people to ask because they know celebs and where to ask for tickets, but they asked for daaays and didn’t manage to get any. I was told that the tickets were given out and not sold, and then I knew there wasn’t a hope in hell that anyone would ‘donate?a ticket to me. I knew it was too late, so I gave up.
Then fate smiled upon me, in THE most unbelievable way. I was making my way down to my aunt and uncle’s Vietnamese restaurant (in Causeway Bay), I was told that a lot of celebrities eat there but I didn’t really take it too seriously. But while I was chatting to her, I suddenly saw someone I recognised in the corner of my eye, and guess who it was?! ANDREW LIN waiting for a table to eat!!!! Woah?I was so starstruck that I all of a sudden became jellified, and started shaking uncontrollably. I told my aunt that I really wanted a photo with Andrew because I was too embarrassed to start it off and she went up to him and said ‘Leng Jai! Will you take a photo with my niece?? if you get me, lol! I was starting to cringe, and he said yea, and then I went closer and asked him whether he was Daniel’s best mate (duuh, what a stupid question to ask, I swear, that was how starstruck I was). Then I said I really like him and Daniel ;), and that I’ve watched their films. I said “I’m from England, and I know you’ve got a concert tomorrow, but I couldn’t get any tickets at all!?( Cue sad expression ) And guess what, his girlfriend (who was next to him also waiting to eat) got two tickets out of her bag and gave them to me!!! OMG I was fainting inside with disbelief. Andrew then reminded me its in Kowloon Tong and to get there at 7.30pm because the seats aren’t arranged so first come first serve kinda thing. Then I said ‘Thank you soo much!! Thank you, I would have cried if I couldn’t go!?(Yep, I said that exact cheesy line) Then we took some photos and his arm was on my shoulder for about 10 seconds!! *Faints again* Then his table was ready so he went to eat. I carried on floating about on cloud nine, walking around the streets in Causeway Bay, cursing because I didn’t get his autograph?
Then I walked back to my uncles restaurant, my aunt still outside and she goes: ‘Oh look he’s finished eating, he’s coming out now? And just when I had gotten over shaking and nerves, he comes back out of the building and onto the street! Omg, I swear, it was timing at its very best. He saw me and gave me the eyebrows (if you get me), in a see-you-later kind of way, and waved. I was melting but I plucked up the courage to beckon him over again with my hand. He then came over again (avoiding a parked car just to get back to where I was, hehe) and I asked him for an autograph. While he was signing it, I was drooling over his arm, lol. Ok I hope I don’t sound too perverted now, if it was Daniel it would have been the same, but obviously much more intense. I wouldn’t be fainting, but having a cardiac arrest....
Here's Andrew's Autograph:
The photos I took with Andrew:(my mum and sister are in there too)
SOoo, on the night of the concert, I couldn't contain my excitement!! My mum and I (as there were only two tickets, my sister couldn't go... she was disappointed) left at 4.30pm, yes it sounds early, but I had to get good seats!! I had a feeling their would be loads of people there already. We took the MTR to Kowloon Tong, and walked to HK Baptist Uni where the concert was held. I saw a poster of the concert so I took a photo, hehehe:
We got to the Great Hall at 5.30pm and guess how many people were queuing? Two. I was well surprised, I thought maybe loads had gone in already, but I was so glad I was the third one! It was the fastest, least boring wait, because although we were sitting on stone steps in the sweltering heat, I could see staff wearing ALIVE t-shirts, 'Securstar' staff and I was getting more and more excited! Here are pictures of the place we were sitting etc..:
VIP Entrance!
Daniel's staff walking around!
Then, at about 6.10pm, a van with curtains stopped outside the steps, and Andrew stepped out!! Followed by Conroy and then DANIEL!!! Daniel was on the phone and he had a cap on!
More ALIVE staff followed in another van:
Then the queue started getting larger as the evening became darker:
At 8 o'clock, they finally let us in!!
Here's what the stage looked like:
We started to get really excited!! We got our seats, on the front row of non-VIP seats, but the VIP seats took up 10 rows!! So we were on the 11th row, :( so the stage was a little far.
Then I saw Daniel's manager (apparently) sitting down temporarily in front of us, so I took a pic:
Then I saw Sam Hui's sons sitting in front and loads of reporters taking photos:
CONTINUED..... Here's one of Sam Hui's sons up close:
Then the lights started dimming and bass music started playing loud and me and two Daniel fans I met outside while queuing, starting screaming! My heart was beating so fast cos we thought ALIVE might perform first and we were scanning the stage for any signs of movement... hehe!
Then the woman presenter for Channel V came out and started introducing the first act which turned out to be Charles:
He sang three songs (of which I knew one: 'Every Thursday') and then the presenter chatted with him for a while and then introduced Janice:
She sang three songs as well, one of them ('Dai Gor') I really liked so I was singing along to that, and then it was her new song ('Ten of Him Why Not One of You', something like that...) The presenter did some more chatting and even proceeded to play games with the audience (although you win a NEW Samsung MP3 player if you get picked), me and the two Daniel fans were getting a tad impatient by then...
During one of the games, (members of the audience had to imitate music videos and one woman got Micheal Jackson 'Billie Jean', I felt sooo sorry for her...), a sudden rush of people came in and came down our aisle, and until I had spotted Eason Chan with a hat on, I didn't even realise they were stars!! I saw Stephen Fung walk in, Eric Kwok, Edmond Leung, and... LISA S!! She had an ALIVE t-shirt on and was doing the 'rock on' sign with her hands! She was WELL tall in real life! She also looked excited, (well I would be if Daniel was my boyfriend). They all sat on the front row VIP seats and a whole load of reporters took photos of them, but I couldn't get my camera out in time cos they seriously RAN past. I figured they were only here to watch ALIVE's performance and wanted to come in discreetly.
After all that, the presenter then shouted: 'Who do you wanna see now?!', we all shouted 'ALIVE' (some people shouted 'Daniel' or Andrew') and she goes: 'Give a hand to .... ALIVE!!!!'.
Then I knew the moment had come and me and the fan sitting next to me were positively slapping each other by now of excitement!! I saw some shadows coming out but it was so dark, it took us some time to figure out who was who:
The first song they sang was a slow, mandarin song that I didn't recognise, they were just casually walking in between each other, but fans were near screaming!
Then they started on a slow, English song called 'Time After Time', this was well cute as the lyrics were really touching and they started to warm up a bit more and move about more. People were still screaming and we were wondering whether the next song was 'Ah Dong Dik Koot Zak'.
And it was!! As soon as the music started we all went MAD!! And then during Daniel's solo part at the beginning, we screamed soo much.
They had some dance parts they didn't show in the concert clips on their website, whenever one person sang the rest had their backs to the audience, and then there was a part during the middle music. No one sang, and they all 'posed' instead, Daniel did this extra cute 'attitude' pose, crossing his arms and smirking! And then they all teased the audience by pretending to lift their shirts up, and trust me the audience went MAD, but it turned out they were only showing their belts to us.... (awww...).
During Daniel's rap part he was making all these cute gestures, it shows in the concert clip, when he goes 'oh so purty', he's making a gesture of a fit woman, that was too funny! And when he goes 'Oh my God', he put his hands up to heaven kinda thing.. cute!
Some photos of Daniel singing on his own:
The song ended waay too fast, and ALIVE threw out t-shirts at the end but the stupid thing was that t-shirts don't fly very far, and we were already on the first non-VIP row and they never came anywhere near us! :(
Then the presenter came and they did some chatting, and ALIVE took turns picking out members of the audience from a box and three very lucky people went up, got Diamond studded MP3 players AND took photos with ALIVE. (all the other photos of these things are in the Photo Gallery, cos I can't put them all here).
Daniel holding his MP3 (all of ALIVE got one each):
After they did a bit of promoting about, they talked about how excited they were about their first performance, and fans were mostly screaming 'Daniel', or 'Andrew', or 'Leen Hoi', and 'Terence' a bit as well! We felt a bit empty without them lighting-up signs with 'ALIVE' and 'Daniel' on! Then they had to go and we all screamed again (obviously). And the presenter said a few last words and the lights and bass music went up again. We were so exhalted, we were lost for words as we were getting up from our seats. There was a big rush cos of the stars sitting in front everyone wanted to take photos but the stars left really quickly so we couldn't. Outside, we saw Daniel's crew's vans parked, and we had a strong urge to wait for them, but we knew it was getting late (it was about 10.30pm) and so we had to get going back to hotel.
Well basically that was my great account and here's a little extra on how I met Raymond Wong:
I was sitting in my Uncle's restaurant and Raymond was sitting with two other friends on the table slightly opposite to me, and I noticed after a while of stuffing my face, but it wasn't like when I saw Andrew, like OMG can I take a photo... I was more like planning on when I should ask, and waiting so as not to disturb his meal (although he was just smoking and not eating..).
Then we finished and our uncle was like have some more food etc.. I was like forget the food, lol. We decided to wait outside for Raymond, but then somehow, my cousin brother knew what we were doing, and asked me whether I wanted a photo with Raymond, I was like 'Yes!', then my cousin goes 'I know him, don't worry I'll ask'.
Then I started getting all nervous, and went all shy waiting at the front of the restaurant, and then Raymond goes 'ok' and nodded and came up to us.. *cringe* and he smiled at me and said: 'You're from England aren't you?' and I said 'Yea. We really liked your acting in Love Undercover, you made us laugh a lot' something cheesy along those lines.. and he was like smiling saying 'Thank you'. So then we took one photo and Raymond was like 'Is that one ok? Let's take another one' I was like 'Ok I don't mind' cos his hand was on my shoulder! I said thanks to him afterwards and he went back to his table:
Hope you enjoyed my little stories!!