Articles 1 2 3 4 about this incident with photos
Reporters do seem to have evidence, although the photos aren't clear and a lot of them don't even show Daniel's face so hmm... But we don't have too much information anyways.. :S
(Modified from original article)
Recently there have been two magazines stating that Daniel Wu went out at night to 'seek pleasure'whilst filming in Beijing. After returning to Hong Kong yesterday, he said:
"I'm not mad because I know I didn't do those things. I've talked with my girlfriend on the phone and she totally trusts me."
Daniel responds to a magazine saying that Daniel is 'ruining his own image':
"Do you really have to be a 'dead' artist? My company is investigating my rights, so I am happy that they are supporting me. Yesterday was my friend's birthday and I can't just not go to his party. Does it mean that all men seek pleasure just because they go to those places? And plus, I know Beijing has a lot of paparazzi so why would I still do such a thing?"
Hmmm.. everyone judge for themselves how accurate this report is, but by instinct, I think the paparrazi are doing what they do best.. making things up.. ^_^
Credits to
A little bit of personal news here, (well still about Daniel), I JUST got 'Gorgeous' today on DVD!! It's a Jackie Chan film with Daniel in cameo apparently!! I can't WAIT to watch it cos when I went to HK, they didn't know what I was talking about when I asked for 'Gorgeous' and I had forgotten the Chinese name, but anyways I finally have one of the couple that I haven't already got of Daniel's DVDs! I'll let you all know how I find it.
And as you can see, I have changed the layout a bit! Hehee, the changes I make here and there will make it better day by day hopefully, as Raz did suggest getting a new domain! ;) It is a really serious idea that I am considering now, and I am going to put 110% effort now into making this site EVEN better, so you will be seeing changes here and there quite often to make it even more impressive and 'professional' if you like! That's my goal! =D To promote this site (cos I never usually do), I'm gonna try and link other fansites (obviously appropriate ones e.g. Daniel's film partners *or* FIT guys ;P) so get ready to see some affliates! Also I will be starting on my Xmas layout soon which should be up for beginning of December!! Yay!! XD P.S. I haven't forgotten about putting up the media that Parakiss sent me, I'm trying to find the appropriate host!
OMG!!! Congratulations to DANIEL WU!! =D =D
This proves that although he has been lying low recently and not even showing off his body much in the past months, he still is HOTTEST OF ALL HOT GUYS in many people's hearts!! This is such good news and I am so proud! Hehee.. ^_^
Here is the original article and the translation (modified slightly from original translation):
Daniel has been chosen by a Taiwan magazine as 'Guy with Most Beautiful Bum' and was also chosen as the 'Best Guy to Have a One Night Stand' with on a Tawainese website.
Taiwan HIT FM radio station's website,, held polls like "Most wanted celebrity to have one night stand with" and "Most wanted celeb to see a naked photo of". As a result, Daniel won the naked photo voting and won second for one night stand. Tawain described him as likable to both guys and girls. (Sooo true..)
Daniel was at Beijing getting an award and responded, "One night stand? Haha! I am not that open, but I want to thank the Tawain fans. It's been a long time since I went there for promotion, I never knew they are still so supportive. Actually there has been someone that wanted me to be in a butt baring picture, but because I had foot injuries, I couldn't do anything to buff up myself. I'm still not that satisfied with my appearance. I hope everyone will give me some time."
As with Daniel getting awards at Beijing, Alive members responded differently.
Terrence joked, "I really want to see Daniel in those 'photos', he is my sexy idol. I dream of him when I sleep."
Conroy said, "Congratulations to him, but he is small. I am bigger than him lah, I really don't know what to say. I guess I should lose some weight so I can win him next year. In my heart, he is a sexy whore."
Andrew also joked, "This year, Daniel always refused to take off his shirt, so that's why he lost to ???
If he is willing to take it off, then he can win all. A guy like me would even drool over him." Awww!!!
Credits to and
AND the 42nd Golden Horse Award Official RESULTS:
Best Feature Film: Kung Fu Hustle
Best Director: Stephen Chow [Kung Fu Hustle]
Best Actor: Aaron Kwok [Divergence!!! ARGHH!! =D]
Best Actress: Shu Qi [Three Times]
Best Supporting Actor: Anthony Wong [Initial D]
Best Supporting Actress: Yuen Qiu [Kung Fu Hustle]
Best Newcomer: Jay Chou [Initial D]
Well Done to all the actors and actresses who got awards!!
Also, a BIG THANK YOU TO Parakiss for the CD she sent me which included Fashion Music concert that Alive performed (singing the same songs as their first concert I went to ;P)
AND the CD also included Daniel being the guest at Miss Asia Pageant 2004, he was such a cutie! And loads of photos were included too! So thanks again Parakiss! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute!
Oh and also, a minor piece of news, I have been through all the pages of this site and changed things that need to be updated e.g. lovelife, filmography section, my own profile, photos have been made sure they now display and the older news have been moved to the previous news section, AND** I have added an advert I haven't seen before, click here to see it (I'm not sure when he did this). Please browse to feel the difference! :P
I have changed the site counter provider to a much better one! This one not only allows me to exclude my own visits to my site, but it also generates statistics so I can know exactly how many people visit my site and return etc. The other one just wasn't giving enough information and I have faith that my visitors have increased since! ^_^
I know fans were clicking on the link to download the Mr Black Show which Alive were on, but for some reason the link doesn't work anymore. The link was basically to download a seed which you use to download the actual 200MB file to watch the show using a program called Bit Comet which you can download for free on the internet (just search for it on I originally thought I wouldn't be able to help those fans who had trouble getting to the link, because I can't upload the 200MB file onto this site, however a fan I was talking to reminded me I could upload the seed here (which is a very small file) but then I realised that I had deleted all the seeds after I downloaded the files since I didn't think I would be needing them. So I started asking around the people I knew downloaded the file also, and luckily miss_b (thanks and credits to her!) found one of the seeds and now I can upload it here for everyone to use it to download one of the two parts of the Mr Black show! Phew.. that was long, but I needed to explain everything so you all know I tried really hard in getting this! ^_^
Ok so if there are no problems then click here to download it! Good Luck! XD
Daniel's Latest Photo is from the press conference of 'Night Banquet'.
Click here to watch the press conference of Nig'ht Banquet' held on 29th Oct and here to see the teaser trailer. Although I can't see much from the trailer about the movie and there is hardly any of Daniel either :S
Click here to see more photos from the press conference, with Daniel and the rest of the cast!
The article states that because of the high interest the press is taking in the shooting of 'Night Banquet' and the tight scheduling of the shooting, the whole cast and crew have been discreet with the opening ceremony of shooting. Also, the director says that he is extremely pleased with the progress and the performance of the cast that he has come to 'new high standards' for the film. In November, the cast and crew will travel to 'Xit Gong' to continue shooting.
Credits to Monkey Peaches
As you can see, I have finally sorted out the text box problem! That's cos I'm using transparent Iframes now, and it looks so much neater and is so much easier to browse when the news and updates are sorted by month! Hope you find browsing easier now! :D
Everyone please rush off to the Lookalikes section because after collecting for so long, I've put up several new ones! They include: Lee Hom Wang, Daniel Henney, Cheung Chun, Edison Chen and Andy Lau! I've put a lot of effort into finding these pics so please admire them and let me know what you think! XD
And I've also made some amendments to the old news, if you click on Previous News on Navigation, I think it looks neater if I categorise them like that. >_<